Chief Physician
08 Ağustos 2018


Dt. Alparslan BÜLBÜL

Edirne Oral and Dental Health Center

Chief Physican

Mr. Alparslan BÜLBÜL was born in Kırklareli in 1977.His firsteducation step was in Edirne andthanhighschoolwas in İstanbul.He graduatedfrom Hacettepe UniversityDentistryFaculty.He attended as a deputychiefphysicianto Edirne Sultan 1.Murat Hospital at 2015 after he worked as a dentist in Kırklareli and Edirne Oral AndDentalHealthCenter.He has beenchiefphysician of Edirne Oral AndDentalHealth Center since 2016.He is marriedand has 3 children.